Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
How can a 100 mph, hurricane travel at 9 m.p.h.? Written by Andy Hits: 1483
What is horsepower? Written by Andy Hits: 1124
How was the sun formed? Written by Andy Hits: 1168
Do only female mosquitoes bite? Written by Andy Hits: 1772
Why does a snake shed his skin? Written by Andy Hits: 1225
What are perfumes made of? Written by Andy Hits: 1226
How big is a hippopotamuses tooth? Written by Andy Hits: 1099
Why is a red sky at night a sailor's delight? Written by Andy Hits: 1243
What happened to the other toes of the horse? Written by Andy Hits: 1341
Where do toadstools come from? Written by Andy Hits: 4096


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