Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
What are the panhandles of texas and oklahoma? Written by Andy Hits: 6223
What happened to the sea otter? Written by Andy Hits: 7972
Who named. texas? Written by Andy Hits: 7832
What is the smallest plant? Written by Andy Hits: 9117
What is the capita1 of wales? Written by Andy Hits: 6718
Which is the smallest mammal? Written by Andy Hits: 6753
What is a statute and a nautical mile? Written by Andy Hits: 6728
What did the indians call themselves before columbus? Written by Andy Hits: 17489
Should you pick up a rabbit by his ears? Written by Andy Hits: 7560
What shall i feed my chameleon? Written by Andy Hits: 6737


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