Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
Why doesn't our air rush in to fill the vacuum of outer space? .. Written by Andy Hits: 1468
How many gases are there in the air? Written by Andy Hits: 4384
Where is the pearl of antilles? Written by Andy Hits: 1376
What is nuclear therapy Written by Andy Hits: 1370
Do magnets ever lose their magnetism? Written by Andy Hits: 3281
How deed can a deep sea diver go? Written by Andy Hits: 1445
Will you please explain what a tidal wave is? Written by Andy Hits: 1315
Why aren't rivers salty if they carry salt to the sea? Written by Andy Hits: 3198
What and how long is a sidereal day? Written by Andy Hits: 1355
What is a soft shelled crab? Written by Andy Hits: 1579


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