Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
What is the smallest deer in the world? Written by Andy Hits: 2169
is the kodiak bear found only on kodiak island? Written by Andy Hits: 1033
Does the frost make the leaves change color? Written by Andy Hits: 1638
What is the difference between fog and smog? Written by Andy Hits: 3986
How many indian tribes were in america when columbus discovered it? Written by Andy Hits: 4755
Where does the corn ear‑worm come from? Written by Andy Hits: 2207
What causes a whirlpool? Written by Andy Hits: 19788
Is it possible to see the earth from sirius? Written by Andy Hits: 1186
How and where are stalactites formed? Written by Andy Hits: 2239
How did butterflies get their name? Written by Andy Hits: 2247


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