Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
What makes the fish bite? Written by Andy Hits: 2390
Which of the nine planets gets the hottest? Written by Andy Hits: 1150
How high do birds fly? Written by Andy Hits: 1288
What is a gnu? Written by Andy Hits: 1200
How many nations are now in the u.n,? Written by Andy Hits: 1074
Do whales have fur or hair? Written by Andy Hits: 1519
What do they use to make bricks? Written by Andy Hits: 1216
Why does a boomerang come back to the person who throws it? Written by Andy Hits: 1545
Why are our tears salty? Written by Andy Hits: 1786
How old was columbus when he discovered america? Written by Andy Hits: 1364


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