Molly Gault, age 10, of Santa Cruz, Calif., for her question: '
Oleander is a shrub that is grown for its colorful flowers and its handsome leaves in many parts of the world. The sap that is found in all parts of the plant is poisonous.
Farmers with cows sad horses make sure that the oleander is planted far from their animals, or not at all on their ground.
The oleander originally cams from southern Asia. It is now especially popular in the Mediterranean area and can also be found in` most of the worldia temperate zones, when controlled, it offers no great problem to man. It isn't poisonous to the human touch, as is poison oak or ivy.
Oleander is often used as a colorful hedge. It can grow to be 20 feet tall. Its lance shaped leaves, which are grouped in threes or fours along the stem, can grow to be an inch wide and 10 inches long.
Oleanders can be double flowered or single. The flowers are found in red, white, peach, pink or purple.