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Mary McGillivray, 10, of Kansas City, Mo., for her question:


Scientists have discovered through fossils that the world's first doctor most likely lived about 10,000 years ago. The first known surgical treatment was an operation called trephining. Trephining involved the use of a stone instrument to cut a hole in a patient's skull.

Prehistoric man probably used the trephining operation because he believed it could release the spirits which were thought to be responsible for headaches, epilepsy and mental illness.

Modern medicine isn't too old when you realize surgeons were still practicing trephining into the early 1900s.

Prehistoric man probably also discovered that many plants could be used as drugs. We know he used the willow bark to relieve pain. Today, scientists tell us that the willow bark contains salicin, a substance related to the salicylates used in making aspirin.

Ancient Egyptians developed one of the world's first great civilizations and also invented one of the first systems of writing about 3000 B.C. At about this same time, the Egyptians also started to make important medical progress.

The world's first physician was an Egyptian named Imhotep, who lived about 2700 B.C. He was later worshiped as the god of healing.

By about 2500 B.C., the Egyptian physicians began to specialize. Some treated only the eyes while others specilized in internal diseases. Egyptian doctors about this time also produced a textbook that told how to treat dislocated or fractured bones and external tumors, abcesses and wounds.

The ancient Hebrews came along from about 1200 to 600 B.C. with progress in preventive medicine. They required strict isolation of persons with leprosy and other contagious diseases.

The Hebrews also prohibited the contamination of public wells and the eating of pork and other foods that at that time often caused diseases.

The ancient Chinese developed medical routines that have been handed down almost unchanged to the present day.

About about 800 B.C., Indian physicians became famous for their surgical skills. Indian doctors successfully performed many kinds of operations including amputations and plastic surgery.

Greek and Roman civilizations reached their peaks during the 400s B.C. and medical practices were also being developed then. Temples dedicated to the god of healing were established.

The great Greek physician named Hippocrates at this time was the first doctor known to consider medicine a science and art separate from the practice of religion. He was also the first to outline medical ethics.

Ancient Roman medical achievements include the development of public health. Aqueducts brought fresh water to Rome every day and an excellent sewerage system was established.



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