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Diane Young, age 10, of E1 Paso, Texas, for her question:


A Swiss philanthropist named Jean Henri Dunant founded the International Red Cross.

During the Austro Sardinian War i n 1 859 i n Italy, Dunant saw a field of battle after 40,000 men had been killed or wounded. Horrified at the suffering of the wounded, he formed a group of volunteers to help them.

In 1 862 he published a pamphlet with a plea: would it not be possible to found and organize i n all civilized countries permanent societies of volunteers who in time of war would give help to the wounded without regard for their nationality?

On Oct. 26, 1 863, delegates from 1 6 nations met i n Geneva to discuss Dunant's idea. This conference laid the groundwork for the Red Cross movement.

The first Red Cross convention then met i n Geneva i n August, 1 864.



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