Mark Wilder, age 8, of Dover, Del., for his question:
Licorice is a perennial herb that gives us one of our favorite flavorings. The flavoring comes from the herb's long, sweet roots.
Some pronounce the word lick oh riss while others say lick er ish or lik rish. You can use either of the three pronunciations.
Licorice is a native of southern Europe and parts of Asia. A little in grown in the United States but over 40 million pounds of dried licorice root must be imported into the country each year to satisfy the demand.
Licorice is used in some medicines to disguise a flavor that might be disagreeable. It is also used in some cough medicines.
Licorice is also used to flavor soft drinks, candy and chewing gum. The traditional color of licorice candy is black.
Licorice is made by boiling the roots and evaporating extract. Substances are then added to provide color.