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Jay Kendahl Jr., age 10, of Great Falls, Mont., for his question:


Loon is the name give to several large water birds that dive under the water for fish. Loons, also called divers, are about 36 inches long.

The common loon, or great northern diver, is found from the northern

United States to the Arctic Circle. In summer, it makes its home in the small, lonely lakes of the interior of the country. The common loon is the state bird of Minnesota.

A loon's back and wings are black with white spots. The head and neck is glossy black with green, and the neck has white steaks. The webbed feet are also black.

Loons look somewhat like large ducks. They are the most handsome of the diving birds. Their loud screams can sometimes be heard echoing over the lakes at night.

The Pacifies loon has a purple black throat. It is smaller than the great northern diver. Smaller also is the red throated diver. Both of these birds measure about 25 inches long. Their coloring is duller than that of the common loon.



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