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Gina Fazzi, age 10, of Birmingham, Ala., for her question:


Nickel is the common name for the United States coin that is worth five cents. Its official name is the five cent piece. The coin is made from a copper nickel alloy or combination.

The current Jefferson nickel has been minted since 1938. It has a profile of Thomas Jefferson on the front, or obverse, and a picture of Monticello, Jefferson's home, on the back, or reverse.

A nickel with an Indian head on the obverse and a buffalo on the reverse was minted from 1913 through 1938.

Nickels made from 1883 through 1912 had a head of Liberty on the obverse and a "V" or Roman numeral five, on the reverse.

The earliest U.S. five cent pieces had a shield on the obverse and a "5" on the reverse. They were minted between 1866 and 1883.



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