Welcome to You Ask Andy

Richard Mason Jr., age 10, of Baton Rouge, La., for his question:


Garlic is a plant that is grown for its flavorful bulb, which is used to season foods. Originally the garlic plant grew only in middle Asia. Now farmers in all parts of the world grow the pungent plant.

The onion possesses the same strong tasting compound as its close relative garlic, but in different amounts. The garlic bulb is made up of parts called cloves. These cloves are wrapped in brittle, papery coverings which also encase the whole bulb.

Farmers plant garlic early in spring and the bulbs mature in early fall. Before planting, the cloves are separated by compressed air. Thy must be planted by hand so that the base of the clove is always in the bottom of the furrow.

The bulbs are cured by drying in the fields. Workers then braid the tops or remove them, and the garlic is ready for market.

Garlic can be sold whole or ground into powder. The juice of the garlic bulbs may be extracted and sold.



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