Welcome to You Ask Andy

George Younger, age 7, of Buffalo, N.Y., for his question:


Gorillas are the largest of the anthropoid apes. This powerful animal is manlike with a broad chest and strong arms and short legs. In the wilds of the rain forests of central Africa, the gorilla feeds early in the morning on a wide variety of leaves, buds, barks and fruits.

Only gorillas living in captivity eat meat.  A large male gorilla may weigh 450 pounds and stand six feet tall.

Females are shorter than the males and generally weigh about 200 pounds.

Gorillas look fierce but are actually rather gentle animals. They lead very peaceful lives. They have no real enemies except man. Man hunts them for food, captures them for zoos and cuts down their forests. As a result, gorillas are becoming rare in some parts of their African home.



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