Welcome to You Ask Andy

Jim DiMatteo, age 10, of Tacoma, Wash., for his question:


Your face is the front part of your head. It consists of the forehead, eyes, nose, mouth cheeks and chin. The skeleton of the face is made up of 14 bones and 32 teeth.

The upper bones of the face are the nasals, which unite to make the bridge of the nose, and the lachrymals, which lie between the eyes.

The lower bones of the face are the malars, or cheekbones, the maxillae, or upper jawbones, and the mandibles, or lower jawbones. The lower jawbone is also called the inferior maxillary.

The vomer, ethmoid and palatines lie deeper in the face.

There are also a number of muscles in the face. There is a circular muscle around the mouth and one around the eye. Other muscles spread out over the face from the edges of the circular muscles.

The tip of the nose is made of cartilage and skin, which act as a flexible cushion.

The lower jaw is the only bony part of the face that moves.



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