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Christina Nolan, age 12, of Monroe, La., for her question:


Masks are face coverings that usually disguise the wearer and also communicate an alternate identity. People have used masks since the Stone Age. Throughnout history masks have been used as part of ritual and theatrical performances.

Masks may cover the face, the entire head or the head and shoulders. They can be made of wood, basketry, bark, corn husks, cloth, leather, skulls, papier mache and materials.

A dancer who wears a ritual mask in some ceremonies is frequently believed to be transformed into or possessed by the spirit inhabiting or represented by the mask. Masks are often believed to contain great power, being potentially dangerous unless handled with the proper rites.

Ritual masks generally depict deities, n7thologicai beings, good and evil spirits, spirits of ancestors and the dead, animal spirits and other beings believed to have power over humanity.

In agricultural rites, masks may represent rain or fertility deities. Similarly, the mask of an animal may be worn in ceremonies to ensure a successful hunt.

In East Asia and Sri Lanka, masks may be worn to protect the wearer against diseases. They may also be worn to cure diseases.

Masks of human ancestors, or totem ancestors (beings or animals to which a clan or family traces its ancestry are often objects of great family pride. They are regarded as the dwelling place of the spirit they represent. The fearsome 20 foot high totem masks of the Papuans of New Guinea are believed to frighten away evil spirits and thus protect the living.

Theatericai masks go back to the ancient Greeks. Wide mouths in these masks contained brass megaphones that helped project the actors' voices to the large audiences. In Rome, masks were used in comedy and by pantomimists.

In the mystery and miracle plays of medieval Europe, masks were used to portray dragons, monsters, allegorical characters such as the seven deadly sins and, inevitably, the devil. The actor portraying God frequently wore a gilt mask.

During the Renaissance, half masks covering the eyes and nose were used in the commedia deil'arte. These masks are the apparent ancestors of the modern domino mask.

In Indonesia today, masks are still used in village ritual dance dramas and in dramas derived from a shadow puppet plays.

The traditional agents and religious didactic plays of China require masks representing kings, princesses and grotesque characters.

In Japan, the most famous use of masks is the No plays. They are made of lacquered or gilded plaster by highly respected artisans. No masks are admired for their subtlety of expression.

Other masks still worn today include the strictly practical protective masks that are worn in baseball, hockey and other sports.



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