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Chris Ott, age 13, of Concord, N.H., for his question:


Eelgrass is either of two different underwater plants. One grows in salt water and the other grows in fresh water.

Marine eelgrass grows in muddy, shallow bays along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America. It roots on the ocean bottom and bears slender, floating stems.

Eelgrass has tape like leaves that may grow to be six feet long. Wild ducks and geese eat the plants.

About 1930, the eelgrass along the Atlantic Coast began to die. However, the plants have recently begun to grow again in many places.

Fresh water eelgrass is also known as tape grass and wild celery. It grows in the mud of shallow ponds, sending up ribbon like leaves directly from the root.

Marine eelgrass belongs to the pondweed family, Potamogetonaceae. Fresh water eelgrass belongs to the frogbit family, Hydrocharitaceae.




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