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Gloria Staller, age 13, of Monroe, La., for her question:


The wildebeest is a large African antelope that is also called the gnu. The largest grows to be about four and a half feet high.

Gnu is a Hottentot or African tribal name. Wildebeest is a Dutch or Afrikaans name.

There are two kinds of wildebeest: the brindled gnu and the white tailed gnu. The white tailed gnu is almost extinct. It grows to be about three and a half feet high and has a fierce looking, hairy face. it ranges in color from brown to black and has a yellow white tail.

The brindled wildebeest or gnu has massive shoulders and a thick neck which supports a large head with curved horns. It is this kind that grows to be four and a half feet high. It ranges in color from yellowish brown to gray and has dark vertical stripes on its shoulders and neck. The brindled gnu grazes in herds between northern Kenya and northern South Africa and South West Africa.

The wildebeest eats leaves, twigs and grass. It is one of the speediest animals in southern Africa. It moves at a fast trot and takes long strides.

The wildebeest is a member of the bovid family.



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