Welcome to You Ask Andy

Krista Green, age 13, of Decatur, Ill., for her question:


Lilac is a common name given to what is most likely the best known deciduous shrub in cultivation. For hundreds of years the sweet smelling lilac, with its clusters of light purple or white flowers, has been a garden favorite. There are 25 species of the popular plant and hundreds of hybrid varieties.

The lilac came to North America from England in 1750. It is a member of the ash family and can grow to between six and 20 feet tall.

Lilacs do best when grown in open sunny spots. They also like rich, well drained earth. They are extremely hardy and live for many years.

New plants start from seeds, shoots from the roots, cuttings or layers. Layers are branches bent down into the soil. Fall is the best time to plant or move the shrub and June is the best time to enjoy the shrub's fragrant and colorful blossoms.



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