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Traci Schnelker, age 13, of Marion, Ohio, for her question


Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, the area of the throat that contains the vocal cords. The inflammations are common and often associated with respiratory illnesses.

Bacteria sometimes cause laryngeal infections, but more frequently the offenders are viruses, spread in the same manner as common cold viruses.

When laryngitis is caused by bacteria, antibiotics are helpful, but for viral infections there is no treatment except to rest the vocal cords, drink fluids and take analgesics if necessary. If the person has difficulty breathing prompt medical attention is absolutely necessary.

A common form of laryngitis in young children often comes on suddenly when a child has an upper respiratory illness. There's a barking cough and a hoarse voice. The inflammation and swelling narrow the airwy and can impair breathing.. Steam often relieves the swelling and eases breathing. Steam can be collected in a closed bathroom with a shower of hot water running into a cold bathtub or into a bathtub in which there is a small amount of cold water.



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