Sandy Ziner age 16, of Las Vegas, Nev., for her question:
,John Calvin was a French theologian, church reformer, humanist and pastor whom Protestant denominations in the Reformed tradition regard as a major formulator of their beliefs.
Calvin was born in 1509 and received his formal schooling for the priesthood at the College de la Marche and the College de Montaigue, branches of the University of Paris. He was encouraged by his father to study law instead of theology so he also took some classes at the universities in Orleans and Bourges.
Along with several friends, Calvin grew to appreciate the humanistic and reforming movement. His association with Nicholas Cop, newly elected rector of the University of Paris, forced both to flee when Cop announced his support in 1535 of Martin Luther.
Although he seldom spoke of it, Calvin underwent a personal religious` experience about this time.
Calvin moved frequently during the next two years, avoiding church authorities while he studied, wrote and formulated from the Bible and Christian tradition the primary tenets of his theology. In 1536 he published the first edition of his "Institutes of the Christian Religion," a succinct and provocative work that thrust him into the forefront of Protestantism as a thinker and spokesman.
In 1538 Calvin traveled to Strasbourg and participated in that community's religious life. In 1541 the citizens of Geneva prevailed upon him to lead them in reforming their church. He remained in that city for the rest of his life, except for brief journeys in the interest of church reform.
In GenevaCalvin drafted new ordinances that were adopted as a constitution for governing both secular and sacred matters. He supported good hospitals,a proper sewage system, special care for the poor and infirm and the introduction of new industries.
Calvin's writings have proven to be his most lasting contribution to the church. He wrote hymns and encouraged others to do so. The famous Genevan Psalter, composed mostly by his colleague Louis Bourgeois, became the basis for much Protestant hymnody.
Calvin also wrote an influential catechism, hundreds of letters to fellow reformers and commentaries on almost all books of the Bble. His sermons and manuscripts have been collected and most are available in English.
Calvin's health was never robust. His illnesses included chronic asthma, catarrh and indigestion. He became very frail with the onslaught of quartan fever in 1558 and died in 1564.
According to Calvin, the Bible specified the nature of theology and of any human institutions. Thus, his statements on doctrine began and ended in Scripture.
Calvin sought to minimize speculation on divine matters and instead drew on the Word of God. He also urged the church to recover its original vitality and purity.