Welcome to You Ask Andy

Les Leland Jr., age 15, of Erie, Pa., for his question:


Once treason meant disloyalty to a king or ruler. A person who criticized the ruler's policies and actions might find himself convicted of treason. Today, however, the meaning of treason has changed because people in a democratic country can criticize the government and work as freely as they like for the election of a new government.

The United States Constitution defines treason: "Treason against  the United States shall consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

This definition protects the right of citizens to oppose the actions of their government in all reasonable ways. Congress determines by law what the penalties shall be for treason. Many states also have laws against treason.

An early famous treason trial in the United States was that of Aaron Burr, the country's third Vice President. Burr was acquitted.

Another famous case of treason was the modern day trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were convicted of supplying Russia with atomic secrets in World War II.



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