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Eric Connolly, age 14, of Nogales, Ariz., for his question:


A lien is a legal claim that one person has on the property of another as security for debt. The main types of liens are common law liens and statutory liens.

Common law liens develop from judges' decisions in similar cases.

Statutory liens are defined by law passed by legislatures. A mechanic's lien is an example of a statutory lien. This lien gives building contractors assurance that they will be paid for their work and material.

Common law liens may be either specific or general. A specific lien gives the holder the right to retain the property that is the basis for the debt that is owed to him. For example, a storage company owner may obtain a specific lien to hold goods stored in his warehouse until he is paid for the storage.

A general lien gives the holder the right to property other than that which is the basis of. the debt due.



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