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Gordon McDonald, age 15, of Eureka, Calif., for his question:_196A


Benzene is a colorless liquid that is used in industry in the production of nylon, .polystyrene, synthetic rubber, synthetic detergents and aniline dyes. It was discovered by an English chemist and physicist named Michael Faraday in 1825.

Faraday discovered benzene in a liquid found in pipelines carrying gas used for lighting. In 1865, a German chemist named August Rekule proposed the structure of the benzene molecule that scientists accept today.

Kekule's proposal was a major step in the development of organic chemistry. It led to hundreds of molecular combinations, each producing a substance with different characteristics.

Benzene is lighter than water and is almost insoluble in it. Benzene vapor burns easily and has a smoky flame because of the amount of carbon in it.

Benzene belongs to a group of compounds called aromatic hydrocarbons.



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