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Georgette Hiteheao, age 12, of Gulfport, Miss., for her question:


Lots of yaks have found their way to zoos, but to fins one in the wilds you'll have to travel to the cola, cry plateaus of Tibet.

The yak is related to the American bison. It stands about six feet high at the shoulders and may weigh between 1,000 and 1,200 pounds.

Even though it is bulky and sluggish looking, the yak can scoot up icy slopes, swim across swift rivers and cross steep rock slides.

In Asia the yak is domesticated as a work animal. Often it is called the grunting ox because of the sound it makes. It is smaller than the wild yak and is often white instead of black like its wild relative.

The domestic yak can carry a heavy load 20 miles a day.

in Tibet the domestic yak carries travelers and mail, gives rich milk and even its flesh is either dried or roasted for food. The soft hair is used to make cloth while the coarse hair goes into mats. Saddles, boots and other articles are made from the hide.



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