Welcome to You Ask Andy

Ray Walter, age 14, of Monroe, La., for his question:


The rhea is a South American bird that looks like a small ostrich. But it is not an ostrich. In fact, it isn't even a member of the ostrich family.

Even though the rhea's wings are stronger than an ostrich's wings, the rhea cannot fly. It is a fast runner. It holds its wings down at it side as it streaks across the ground.

Each of the three toes on the rhea's foot is armed with a hooked claw. The rhea uses these claws for fighting, if it can't outrun its enemy.

The bird stands three to four feet in height. It doesn't have a tail.

Rheas are polygamous, which means that one male will have two or three hens. All of the females that belong to one male lay their eggs in a single hollow in the ground. Then after a dozen or so eggs have been laid, the male assumes the responsibility of sitting on the eggs until they are hatched.

Rheas eat almost anything, including vegetables and animals.



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