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Greg McRae, age 16, of Reno, Nov., for his question:


The FCC,~.or Federal Communications Commission, is the group that regulates interstate and foreign radio, television, wire and cable communications. The independent organization was established by the U.S. government in 1934.

The organization's main function is to oversee the development and actual operation of broadcasting services. It also works to give rapid and efficient service across the nation and around the world.

FCC offices can be found in all of the 50 states as well as in Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

    Both AM (amplitude modulation)and FM (frequency modulation) broadcasting are regulated by the FCC. The organization also oversees the use of cable channels and the    quality of service delivered by cable television. It also regulates the  television broadcast industry.

The President, with the approval of the Senate, places seven FCC commissioners in the agency and they have seven year terms.



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