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Vivian Ditterline, age 8, of San Bernardino, California, for her question:

Where does the aardvark live?

You may visit the amazing aardvark in certain zoos in this country. But America is not his native home. In the wild, he lives in two parts of Africa. He enjoys life in South Africa and farther north, in the sandy regions of Ethiopia and Sudan. The aardvark has good reasons for liking these places. They are where hordes of termites like to live    and termites are his favorite food. These termites are rather special because they live in enormous nests out in the wilds. The build them of dirt that becomes hard as rock in the hot sun. One of these apartment houses, teeming with termites, may be five, six or seven feet high.

Mr. Aardvark comes out from his burrow after dark. When he finds a termite nest he tears down the hard, high walls with his mighty claws. The termites scuttle around in panic. He whips out his long, sticky tongue and pops them into his mouth.



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