Welcome to You Ask Andy

Wendy Jackson, age 12, of ottawa, Ont

Are there any white squirrels in Canada?

North America is home to many different tree squirrels, ground squirrels, flying squirrels, chipmunks and chickadees. A number of them live where the winters are cold in Canada and even way up in Alaska. When the winter comes, certain bunnies change their dusky coats to white and blend into the snowy background,

The squirrels grow thicker coats and bushier tails and some of them change to somewhat paler browns and greys and rusty reds, But Andy has discovered no squirrel, even in the frozen north, who changes to a plain white coat during the winter. Maybe there is one he has not learned about and, of course, a few rare squirrels are born white albinos. A furry white fellow who might be mistaken for a squirrel is the ermine, alias the weasel.


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