Welcome to You Ask Andy


Stephen White age 8,

Is there ever a rainbow in the west?

The rainbow appears in the eastern sky or in the western sky. When we face the glimmering arch, the sun is always behind us. For the sun is in the,opposite side of the sky from the rainbow. The beautiful spectacle doss not happen when the sun is directly overhead. It occurs when there are patches of blue sky and dark rain clouds. The sun shines from a patch of clear blue sky and the rainbow appears in front of a rain cloud.

In late afternoon the sun is in the west. We may see a rainbow if the eastern sky is heavy with rain clouds, This rainbow will be in the east. In early morning, the sun is in the eastern sky, We may see a rainbow if the western sky is heavy with rain clouds. The morning rainbow is in the west. The afternoon or evening rainbow is in the east.


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