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What is a Loris?

A small slow-moving nocturnal tree-dwelling primate native to tropical regions of southern Asia that has large eyes, dense wooly fur, a vestigial index finger, and no tail

Loris cute little monkey type fellow was found by the mariners of sailing vessels in southern India and Ceylon. They gave him the name of loris, meaning slow poke and the lazy fellow still lives up name. He is a small brown  coated lemur who looks for all the like a toy monkey, less than six inches tall.

The loris, however, has no monkey tail. His wistful face is set by small round ears and a pair of large, melting melancholy eyes. He is a night prowler among the trees and on the ground. Sometimes he catches a lizard or an insect in his dainty hands but his favorite snack is a snail, who is not quite fast enough to excape slow poke Loris.


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