Welcome to You Ask Andy

Sharon Hung, Age 12, Of Bellevue,, Peoria,Ill., For her question:

On the moon, do you look up or down at the earth?

When you stand on the moon, the big sky arches from horizon to horizon, just as it does over the earth. And the sky, of course, is a view of the vast heavens which surround the earth and the moon in every direction. We look up and across space at our moon. From the moon, you would look up and across space at the earth.

The earth in the lunar sky, however, is 13 times larger than the moon appears to be in our skies. It goes through phases like the phases of the moon, but it does not rise and set in the heavens. From the center of the moon as we see it, the earth is always high in the sky. From the edges of the moon's face., the earth is always low in the lunar sky.



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