Glendon Lyons, age 11, of Bakers Point, N. C. Canada, for his question;
Haw many ams has an octopus?
The octopus has eight arms, eight coiling tentacles, no more and no less. His cousin, the squid, has 10 arms, two of them much longer than t11e Other eight. These animals belong to the fascinating family called Cephalopoda, meaning the head footed creatures. A cephalopod's feet are his trailing arms, and they are fixed onto his head.
All cephalopods are marine dwe11ers of the salty sea. There are about 50 species of octopus, the smallest of which can stretch his eight little arms only one inch wide. The giant of the clan has an arm spread of 28 feet. All of them are soft bodied animals, at the mercy of toothy fish and pinching lobsters. Even the giant octopus hides himself among the rocks and stony grottos of his underwater world when danger approaches.