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Debra Eisner, age i0, of San Diego, Calif., For her question;

Do any Ice Age glaciers still exist?

The glaciers of an Ice Age take thousands of years to advance, foot by icy foot, over the land. Then they reverse and for thousands of years recede, finger by melting finger. This is a short event in the age long history of the earth, and the Northern Hemisphere has known four Ice Ages in the past million years. The last of them began to lift its icy grip perhaps 40,000 years ago.

The glaciers of the last Ice Age freed Niagara about 36,000 years ago, and 8000 years later they loosened their cruel fingers from New England. They were Melting from Minnesota 15,000 years ago and in Sweden only 13, 000 years ago. The remains of these glaciers still exist in Greenland and the far north. The vast ice fields of Antarctica may be the remains of Some Ice Age that attacked the South Polar Region in the remote past.



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