Welcome to You Ask Andy

Cheri Revis, Age 12, Of Asheville, N.C... For her question:

Why can't we watch the moon rotate?

P1ace your lovely gift globe on the floor and get set to walk around it. It is a model of the earth, and you will play the role of the moon. As you make one orbit around the earth, you will rotate once around yourself if you keep your face turned toward the globe.

Start your orbit with your back to the window. Shuffle sideways toward the right and pause when you are one quarter of the way around your orbit. Notice that you have turned one quarter of the way around yourself and your left side now faces the window. Continue halfway around. You now face the window and have turned halfway around yourself.

When you finish your orbit you will have rotated on your axis and revo1ved around the globe. If people were watching you from your globe, never once would they have 'Seen your back: " we cannot  watch the  moon rotate because it always keeps, the same side facing toward us.



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