Welcome to You Ask Andy

John Hake, age 13, of Spokane, Wash., For his question;

Can you tell the age of a ladybird bug from its spots?

The insect we call the ladybird is a beetle, and all beetles live through a life cycle of four stages. They are recognizable ladybirds only when they enter the fourth stage of their life histories. At that time they are fully grown, and they go through no more changes. An adult ladybird with two spots never adds another spot to her back.

In North America, there are some 350 species of ladybird insects, each with its own special features. The 15 spot ladybird keeps to the eastern and central regions. Her wings are yellowish tan, and she has, naturally, 15 dark spots on her back. The nine spot ladybird has, of course, nine dark spots. The two spot ladybird has one spot on each of her vivid red wings. She is a different species and not a younger insect than, say,a ladybird beetle wearing five, nine or 15 spots.



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