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Lynne Zwald, age 10, of Indianapolis, Indiana, for her question:

What is the weight of the human brain?

The brain of a 10 pound baby weighs about one pound. As he grows heavier, so does his brain. Age the age of 15, his brain weighs about three pounds. He will add more poundage to his body through the years to come, but no more weight to his brain. An average adult fan expect his brain to weigh three pounds whether he is a skinny person or a 400 pound fatty. As a person grows older, the brain does not gain weight but it continues to change.

It is, of course, the central headquarters of the nervous system and the amazing computer we use to think and reason. We cannot learn anything new without it and as a store house of information it far surpasses the best of man made computers. It learns more as it grows older. But what it learns and stores away depends upon our choice. We can waste its learning time or stuff it with useless data and misinformation. If we choose to use it wisely, it will improve and become sharper with age. But after the age of 15, it will not  add to its weight.



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