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Eddie Phillips, Jr., age 10, of Tallassee, Alabama, for his question:

Where can Jupiter be seen in the sky?

It is always a good time to search the skies for giant Jupiter. In fact, on a clear night it is almost impossible to miss the big planet. You can watch it through much of the night, calmly outshining the brightest stars in the sky. Start your searching in the eastern sky soon after sunset. As the twilight dims, first one and then another star will twinkle its eye. The brightest eye will be Jupiter, appearing quite high above the eastern horizon.

It appears bigger and brighter than the brightest star but Jupiter does not shine with a starry twinkle. Being a planet, it shines with a steady stare. Being a planet, it also mist travel along the belt of sky called the zodiac. If you watch through the night, you will see it climb higher and begin to arch down on the opposite side of the sky. Long before sunrise, Jupiter will set below the western horizon.


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