Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
How can a fly walk on the ceiling? Written by Andy Hits: 990
Why, is the male bird brighter than the female? Written by Andy Hits: 1245
why does moss always row on the north side of a tree? Written by Andy Hits: 1072
What are slugs? Written by Andy Hits: 1119
How did family names originate? Written by Andy Hits: 1198
What is castor oil made from' Written by Andy Hits: 1135
How do frogs and toads breathe in the mud in the winter? Written by Andy Hits: 5761
What materials are in the sun? Written by Andy Hits: 1351
Do porcupines throw their quills or not? Written by Andy Hits: 2107
How often does an elk shed its horns? Written by Andy Hits: 1089


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