Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
How does heat lightning; differ from other lightning? Written by Andy Hits: 1075
Why does mercury roll in little balls? Written by Andy Hits: 4938
When is an oyster big enough to eat? Written by Andy Hits: 1616
Is it true you weigh more at the poles than at the equator? Written by Andy Hits: 1090
What makes the sun shine? Written by Andy Hits: 1082
Are may apples good to eat? Written by Andy Hits: 4330
How did argentina get its name? Written by Andy Hits: 3403
What causes freckles? Written by Andy Hits: 1741
How heavy is the world? Written by Andy Hits: 1014
What type of bird is a jackdaw? Written by Andy Hits: 1830


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