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Eilaine Winters, age 12, of Paradises Penns, for her question:

What does the spider use to spin her web?

It is a great treat to watch the little spider spin her delicate web, especially if it is the complicated cart wheel or orb web. All spider webs are made of the strongest and finest of silks and the silk is manufactured in a gland inside the spiders body.

Six hundred tiny taps open into six larger tubes which pour out the liquid silk from the tail end of the spider's abdomen. These six larger tubes are the spinnerets and the spider can use them as she chooses. Some spiders can make five different kinds of silk strong silk for web supports, elastic silk for cross pieces, tough silk for roping victims and coarse silk for cushioning cocoons, The delicate thread of the silkworm is five times as coarse as the coarsest thread of the spider.



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