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Suzanne Chagaris., age 12, of Phoenix, Arizona fcr her question:

How did the mustang originate?

Westerners know that herds of wild horses still roam the secluded valleys and hills, There was a time when these herds totaled millions of horses and the Spanish settlers of the southwest named them the mustangs   the strays from the grazing herds.

Then discoveries were made about other wild horses that had roamed the plains and valleys of America some 50 million years ago. These native horses were graceful creatures, with arched backs and flowing tails •  swift runners on five toed feet, But they were no larger than spaniel dogs, Some people believe America to be the native home of the horse   here, through 50 million years, it grew and evolved into the magnificent creature of modern times,

The horses of Europe and Asia, these people say, are descended from ancient .American horses which strayed far a field, Others believe that different families of the horse developed in different parts of the world. But in any case the native American horse had perished from the scene long before the white men arrived   maybe even before the first red man brought his little family from Asian across the Bering Straits to become the first Americans.

Soy the wild mustangs that still roam our western areas are not descended from the ancient native horses of America, The Spanish were right in thinking that the mustangs were strays from the domesticated horses brought to America by the conquistadors. For a long time it was thought that these wild horses were all descended from some strays which escaped from one of Coronado's expeditions.

It is now believed that certain numbers have turned mustang in every generation of horses, What's more, having gained their freedom these wild horses tend to raid the domesticated herds of the range to tempt converts to join up with them, For this reason the mustangs are considered a threat to ranchers.

 Sad to says the wild life did nothing to improve the appearance of the horse. In a few generations the mustang loses the grace and fine lines of the domesticated horse. In the wild state, he seems to go to seed. The magnificent horse of modern times can only reach his perfection through the care of his human friends,

Sometimes we read a talc of a splendid wild horse captured and broken. Chances are the creature was but one generation escaped from a well run ranch. His children and grandchildren if left to run wild, would certainly be no better than the sturdy temperamental and unhandsome broncos and mustangs we see at the rodeo.



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