Louise Messier, age 13, of Montreal, Quebec, for her question;
Which is the highest mountain in the whole world?
We would expect the highest peak in the world to be in the highest mountain range in the world. FPor most of the high peaks are uplifted, on the; backs of sturdy mountain ridges. The highest range of mountains in the world is the Himalayas. They stretch across northern India and their snowy heads look down on wide, semi‑tropical land to the south.
The Himalayas are in two ridges with a high plateau between. In this cold, dry region between the peaks at the top of the world is Tibet. Of the two ridges, the southern one is highest. It has over 40 peaks more than 23,000 feet high. That is about 200 feet taller than any peak in the Andes and nearly 3000 feet taller than North Americas highest mountain, Mount. McKinley.
Towering among these giants of the southern Himalayas is Mount Everest ‑highest peak in the world. Its peak is under a glacier and blowing snow. The exact height is given as 29,141 feet, but drifting snow or a howling wind may change it a foot or two with the changing weather, In any case, the world's highest mountain is about five and a half miles above the level of the sea.