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Carol Ward age 11

What kind of animal is the ounce?

This particular ounce weighs several hundred pounds and some, people rate him as the most handsome member of the handsome cat family. His name ounce is probably related to an older word for lynx, which seems fair enough since the lynx is also a beautiful wild cat. The more popular name for the ounce is the snow leopard, which is what he is, a leopard who has chosen to live on the snow‑bound slopes of Tibet,

For a leopard, his coat is long and very furry, The background is pearly grey and he is spotted with sizeable freckles of black, His head and body arc about four feet long and he has a long catty tail fluffy with thick fur. He may be amazed to find a big cat enjoying life among the cold snows, but scientists tell us that the entire cat tribe got its start in such climates. Later they moved to tropical climates because it was more comfortable ‑ and cats love to be comfortable.


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