Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
What is a tarsier? Written by Andy Hits: 6933
Which is the biggest star in the sky? Written by Andy Hits: 6478
What forms an alluvial fan? Written by Andy Hits: 5658
How many elephants would fit into a whale? Written by Andy Hits: 19621
Why does the sun sometimes look white? Written by Andy Hits: 8743
Does the 50th state include all the hawaiian islands? Written by Andy Hits: 4344
What is the fastest animal on foot? Written by Andy Hits: 5185
Does a dog; know right from wrong? Written by Andy Hits: 4388
How do they make commercial yeast? Written by Andy Hits: 12656
Are there other solar systems? Written by Andy Hits: 4905


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