Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1970

Title Author Hits
What kind of animal is the alligator gar.? Written by Andy Hits: 626
Do other animals besides birds migrate? Written by Andy Hits: 1231
How come the daddy longlegs does not spin a web? Written by Andy Hits: 660
What foods do they eat in other countries? Written by Andy Hits: 628
What is cryptography? Written by Andy Hits: 647
How are caves formed? Written by Andy Hits: 686
is the jackal a scavenger? Written by Andy Hits: 1341
Can you tell me about a cat called the puma? Written by Andy Hits: 686
What is the difference between a sea and an ocean? Written by Andy Hits: 575
Why do birds take dust baths? Written by Andy Hits: 620


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