Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1960

Title Author Hits
How can clouds stay up in the air? Written by Andy Hits: 2470
Which was the paleozoic era? Written by Andy Hits: 3211
What is the tomato worm? Written by Andy Hits: 2117
How do they make vinegar? Written by Andy Hits: 6817
How many dog years are equal to one human year? Written by Andy Hits: 3634
Is it true that the nautilus is extinct? Written by Andy Hits: 7281
How far are the stars really? Written by Andy Hits: 2721
Is it true that hurricanes are necessary? Written by Andy Hits: 2016
What are the functions of the united nations children's fund? Written by Andy Hits: 2182
What are colors like? Written by Andy Hits: 2456


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