Welcome to You Ask Andy

Article series 1950

Title Author Hits
Is it true that one spark can start a big forest fire ? Written by Andy Hits: 2961
Why is s.o.s. used as a distress signal ? Written by Andy Hits: 1371
What is amber made of ? Written by Andy Hits: 1367
How close are the particles in an atom? Written by Andy Hits: 1277
Where do the frogs come from when it rains? Written by Andy Hits: 26992
Are truffles plants? Written by Andy Hits: 4448
How big is a hurricane? Written by Andy Hits: 1720
Are there any animals that eat spiders? Written by Andy Hits: 2639
What is the biggest volcano ? Written by Andy Hits: 1442
What exactly is hydrogen peroxide? Written by Andy Hits: 1368


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