John Rezac, age 13, Sioux Falls,

How manor islands are there in the world?

Andy has never got around to counting all the islands in the world, Nor does he know anyone who has. So he has made arrangements for John to find the number out for himself. The gift Atlas is the best way to begin,

Start with a map of the whole world and begin with the biggest of the world's islands. Australia, the island continent, will head the list. Greenland, New Guinea, Borneo and Madagasca come next in size. When you have the big ones listed, turn to maps of countries and start on the smaller ones.

Count up the islands that make up Japan, the East Indies and West Indies. Then total up the smaller islands in the Aleutians and other archipelagos.

Don’t forget the off‑shore islands of Scandanavia. Find all the islands marked in bays and harbors.

The job will be over when you, get to all the little islands in lakes and rivers. There are some three thousand little isles in Lake Ontario alone. And don't forget to look up the islands in the Big Sioux river. Yes, those boulders near the falls are islands, for they are bits of land surrounded' by water