Lois Peterman, age 9, of Lancaster, Penn

What did Ponce de Leon expect to find?

In his early life, this Spanish gentleman expected to help Columbus explore the Western world. He made many small voyages of discovery around the Carribean. In 1508 he was made governor of Puerto Rico: Ponce de Leon was about 50 years old and still full of the spirit of adventure.

Then an old Indian told him of a magical Fountain of Youth and off he went again on his travels. He expected to find a strange fountain of water, If he bathed in it, he was sure that it’s magic would turn back the years for him. He would become young again,

Naturally this did not happen. For there is no such thing as a Fountain of Youth. But in 1513  Ponce de Leon did make a famous discovery. It was springtime and he discovered a land blooming with gorgeous flowers. He named it Florida the land of flowers.