David Yam, age 12, of San Mateo, Ca .,

Who started the Boy Scouts?

England was fighting the Boers in the rough terrain of South Africa, Colonel Baden‑Powell saw that his young city‑bred soldiers from England were at a loss in the tough country. So he trained them on scouting parties.  After the war, he used his scouting trips to train boys at home. They loved it. The first Boy Scout Camp started in 1907. Richard Baden‑Powell was one of its scout masters.

Scouting of course, is as old as the hills. America had its Sons of Daniel Boone and Ernest Seaton's Tribe of Woodcraft Indians ‑ all good scouts. Baden‑Powell borrowed much from these hardy groups.

The Boy Scout organization crossed the Atlantic in 1910. Today well over four million sensible fellows belong to the Boy Scout world‑wide organization. With all that fun to be had, can you blame them?